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Friday, October 3, 2008

Baby News!

I put an exclamation on the title - baby news- although its not exciting at all. I had my first ultrasound on Thursday. Doctor said I should be about 20 weeks along so we should definately be able to see what we we're having. We'll... we don't know what it is yet. The baby was only measuring to be 15 weeks along. Which means that I wouldn't be due until March 21. So, instead of finding out the sex of the baby, I just found out that I'm going to be pregnant for an extra month. The ultrasound specialist tried really hard to see what the sex was, but the baby would'nt uncross its legs. At first she thought it was a girl, but she also thinks she may have seen a boy part a couple of times. She explained to us that the boy part doesn't actually show up predominately until about 16 weeks, so its really hard to tell this early.

The good news is that we took Payton with us and I think she actually understands now. Also, the baby, as far as they can see is healthy and strong. Thats all we could ask for. We can get another ultrasound a month from now, but probably won't, unless the doctor thinks we should.


Parry Family said...

Sorry about the being prego for an extra month. Mom said Payton saw the baby's bum and it was disgusting! Any time you guys want to get away we will totally take Payton. Lexie looks for Payton everywhere we go. She would love it.

Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

I can't believe you aren't going to find out what you are having. I am in there at 16 weeks finding out the sex.

CoreyKrisAnnAubreySienna said...

At this point in my pregnancy, if I found out I was going to be pregnant for an extra month I think I would probably cry for a good week. And you didn't even get to know what you're having. Well, as soon as you find out, I hope you will post it. Maybe you'll have a girl, too. That would be fun.

Brook said...

Kenny and I didn't find out whether Max was a girl or boy. It was kind of fun to have the suspense and surprise. It's fun to keep everyone guessing, but if you end up finding out be sure to let me know.

Ashley Schoenfeld said...

I love you guys! Sad that you didn't find out what your having but at least "it" is healthy!

Marva said...

I'm so glad that the baby is well,but so sorry that you have to endure 4 more weeks. Maybe the baby will come early and you will catch a break!! I didn't find out the sex of my 2nd or 4th child and it is kinda fun except toward the end when you are trying to get things ready. Peyton will be such a cute big sister.